Thursday, August 2, 2018

The Third Twin by C.J. Omololu

Book Review

The Third Twin by C.J. Omololu

Omg this book was amazing i haven't marked a book 5 stars in so long but his is going in my favorites i would recommend this to everyone :))))))

Plot: The plot of this book was very fast paced and i really really enjoyed this book because of how it had me on the edge of my seat. The plot sucked me in and captivated me from the first page and it was incredibly intriguing. The only thing was i kind of suspected who the killer was by the middle but i wasn't sure so it didn't take away from my overall enjoyment.

Mystery: The mystery element was very well done i don't read a lot of mystery but i can say at first the mystery was put on the back burner but now i understand why because once the mystery really starts it doesn't end and it kept me guessing and wondering who the killer was. This book kept me not trusting anyone and i loved that about it that factor was extremely well done. The mystery was brilliantly developed and it captivated me and i had to spend all day reading it and when i wasn't reading it i was thinking about how much i wanted to continue and that was all because of the amazing mystery.

Characters: At first i didn't feel connected to Lexi the main character, i didn't like how she felt like she had to pretend to be Alicia to get people to like her. But as the story progressed i started rooting for her and connecting to her and i like how she was so smart and quick on her feet. I liked following her around as the main character. Since the romance wasn't a big element of the story i'll group it in with this category but i loved the main love interest who I'm not going to name because its a spoiler but i loved him and his personality and thought he added a lot to the story and was a good supporting character. I was connected to the twins Ava and Lexi and i enjoyed reading about their twinness and their dynamics as well as the dynamics between them and other characters it was well done.

Writing Style: The writing style obviously wasn't anything special it wasn't poetic or lyrical but i feel like the way this was written fit the story. The chapters seemed to fly by not only because of the plot but also because of the writing style. It was very straight to the point it wasn't descriptive or flowery and i appreciated that because it matched the pacing and the feel of the plot. The writing was also very easy to read and wasn't disjointed and flowed easily which was part of the reason it kept you turning the pages. It also somehow lent a hand in developing the characters and making them feel more real.

All the story elements worked together beautifully to successfully captivate me and to keep me on the edge of my seat needing to know what would happen. This book was an amazing thriller and i was so sad to finish this book because i felt connected to the characters. Frankly, I loved this book I'm so happy i read it and i haven't been this happy about a book in a long time. This is only the second book to go in my favorites all year so thats saying something. I would recommend this to anyone looking for a fast paced thriller or even for those who enjoy contemporaries you might be surprised by how much you will enjoy it. I'll gladly give this book 5/5 stars.

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